Developing a routine is important when recovering from an injury or surgery. Each time you are visiting Bayview Physical Therapy you receive treatment that will include various aspects. For almost all physical therapy patients, another essential component of this recovery routine is performing your recommended home exercise program.
A home exercise program is a series of exercises that patients complete at home to maintain strength, mobility and increase overall gains. It is designed to complement the treatment received in the clinic through specific exercises to help increase the chance for recovery. It is designed to continue a patient’s recovery progress outside of the physical therapy office. Home exercises are designed to be practical so that patients can maximize benefits on their own without additional equipment or assistance.

When implementing a home exercise program for a patient, the results will be personalized to each individual. Even for people who have the same injury, the home exercise program will be specific to each patient. This is because the condition of each person’s body is different, and is influenced by their individual history and ability. With this customized approach, people can enjoy a quicker and easier recovery. As patients gradually recover, exercises will be increased based on tolerance to limit the chance of re-injury or increases in pain.
For patients who are both physically limited to move and mentally discouraged, a home exercise program is essential. As patients continue to successfully perform their exercise, they will gradually build greater confidence in their ability to overcome the injury. With these small but significant steps, the road to recovery is much shorter, and reduces the fear of the injury reoccurring or even the possibility of permanent disability.
When attending Bayview Physical Therapy, your primary goals should be to enjoy lasting recovery. With a HEP, this is possible. Because a home exercise program guarantees more regular exercises, the body is healing more naturally and in a more constructive fashion. As you regain your ability to move the rest of your body, this will also help prevent your injury from recurring.
People often ask, Why Should I Exercise With an Injury?
For many people, the instinctual response to an injury is rest. And, while that may be needed early on, it is not the best long-term solution. In addition to appropriate rest, it’s important to exercise.
Yes, to prevent further injury, you should not exercise the same way that you normally do. Rather, with the help of a Bayview Physical Therapist, we will determine a plan that will help your body to heal in a controlled fashion. Patients that follow through with these exercises are more likely to recover faster. Though it may bring on some discomfort initially, you will gain greater confidence and these exercises will be helpful in preventing future injuries.
Coming to therapy 1, 2 or even 3 times a week is not enough. And yes, the more you do at home, the less appointments you might need, which will certainly save you money in co-pays.
At Bayview Physical Therapy, we are committed to helping all patients overcome their injuries. Our dedicated physical therapists will help you to push the boundaries of your physical limits by creating individualized treatment plans. Contact us for more information about why a home exercise program can help you.